Inverted commas

To all of the new people joining the blog: welcome! And to the ones that have been around before: welcome again, and thanks for coming back! I finally got to attend the 12th World Bunsiness Dialogue and let me tell you that it was amazing, way better than I could have ever imagined! I met wonderful people there, had the chance to exchange ideas and experiences and had tons and tons of fun! (Are there too many exclamation marks in this first paragraph? Can you tell how excited I still am?)

Anyway, I thought about keeping the blog alive for a while after the conference, specially for sharing some things we discussed there, and for linking these topics with some new articles I'm reading... and then I thought that a nice way of starting this new phase could be by presenting some quotes I remember from the Dialogue, and that impressed me for different reasons... let's get started!

"When the storm comes some build walls, the others build windmills."

Professor Dr. Herrman Simon shared this thought with us during his presentation on Quick Solutions for Beating the Crisis and everyone just loved it! I think I'll write at least one post about his keynote because I agreed to some of the things he said, was not so sure about others... but most of all he made me think, which for me is the whole point :)

"The Stone Age did not end due to a lack of stones, and the Oil Age will not end due to lack of oil."

I'm almost sure this was said by Christian Rast, the moderator for the Resources panel, although he's not the author. I found it very very interesting, even if I think that the shortage of oil will definietely accelerate the shift towards other technologies. Of course we can argue if there is an oil shortage in the first place, I've heard all sorts of opinions about this.

"Bill Gates wanted to go into the software for automotive companies segment... then he found out the required failure percentage for the industry!"

I don't remember the exact words, but Franz Fehrenbach -Chairman of the Board of Management at Bosch- made me laugh outloud with that story!

"Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come."

This quote from Victor Hugo is my personal favorite from the wonderful week in Cologne, and it was written on one of the walls at the DHL Innovation Center.

Now it's up to you: do you remember any particular quote that you'd like to share? Don't be shy and post a comment!

3 Responses to "Inverted commas"

linditakom (visit their site)

Hello Julieta! Nice blog! Thank you for providing the link.

A short first commentary on this posting: As far as I remember it was Prof.Wolcott who spoke about the Stone Age and the Oil Age.

I'll come back again in the next days. Keep it alive! Perhaps you join again next year and you can also spread the spirit of Cologne to other colleagues of yours in Argentina. :-)


Sherezade (visit their site)

Hey Lindita! Glad to hear you like the blog, and thanks for clarifying who brought up the quote about the Oil Age :) I'll try to post a couple of new entries in the next days, so it would be great to have comments from you again!

As for me going again to Köln... it makes me really sad to say it but this was officially my last trip as a student because I'll be graduating in a couple of months and I took the 12th WBD as the end of a wonderful era :) However you can be absolutely sure that I'll keep spreading the word for the 13th and maybe you can meet more people from my amazing country :)

Juan (visit their site)

Yeahhh! I really liked "When the storm comes some build walls, the others build windmills." =)

And Bill Gates one is awesome, haa!

Here my contribution somehow related to the windmills:

"The glass is half full or half empty depending on whether you're pouring in or out.", Kaifu lee.